Land of the Sky Association of REALTORS® announces the Sixth Annual Asheville Housing Fair, to take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, September 23 at 21 Restaurant Court, Asheville, NC 28805. The event is free and open to the public. The Fair focuses on Affordable Housing options, including paths to homeownership and making the most of your real estate investment.
Representatives from local businesses and non-profits will be on-site to provide information about affordable housing and financing options.

Affordable Housing Fair
The event will also include the formal rollout of this year’s Affordable Housing Guide, a brochure produced annually by LOTSAR in collaboration with the City and County. The event is open to the public and is geared toward renters, homeowners, landlords, and anyone else who would like information about access to or creation of affordable housing.

Lunch and Bouncy House
The event will be held on September 23, with the Housing Fair running from 10 AM to 1 PM. Lunch will be provided (while supplies last). The Housing Fair will consist of a number of housing-related vendors, including those working in the affordable/workforce housing arena.

Affordable Housing Guide
The release of the 2023-24 Affordable Housing Guide will occur at the event, which includes a list of affordable housing developments in the area, related resources (such as Pisgah Legal and the Housing Code Enforcement office for the City and County), and other helpful information on topics such as Fair Housing and Housing Discrimination.